Conversion Optimization

Tried and tested improvements.

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Social Proofed Pricing Page

Avg ROI: +54%

Adding social proof to your pricing page can make your product more attractive. Add testimonials, logos of products you integrate with, logos and links to glowing press and reviews, and more to gain customer trust and make them more likely to convert.

Content Scheduling

Avg ROI: +22%

Sharing new content on social channels has limited reach because of varying presence of a social audience when content is posted (ex: timezone differences). Schedule content to re-post at varying times optimized for each active social channel. Tools like Buffer can help you space these posts out automatically based on the best times for engagement.

Remove Unnecessary Fields

Avg ROI: +13%

When creating sign-up forms, having too many fields can actually decrease sign-up rate. Optimize your forms to only ask for information necessary to the registration process. This decreases the amount of effort and attention a user has to invest into signing up and will result in increased sign-ups and form submissions. Remember that you can also ask for the information in the fields you remove during onboarding or at a later stage in your relationship with that user/client.

PDF Download Page

Avg ROI: +71%

Try sending traffic to a page where they can download a PDF they may be interested in. This will build your credibility and exemplify authority on a subject. Further, it will enable you to capture email addresses for new visitors who might be interested in your product. It’s an easy way to fill the top of your funnel with qualified leads.

Reduced Single CTA

Avg ROI: +83%

Multiple call to action buttons can confuse visitors. Try reducing the number of CTAs on any given page to drive visitors to the most important one. If your landing page is meant to drive registrations to your app, including a CTA for your newsletter alongside your registration buttons will serve to divert visitor attention away from your primary CTA.

Friendly Comparisons

Avg ROI: +15%

Make it easy for a user to compare options across packages to make the purchase decision easier. The tradeoff between pricing and features can be extremely confusing for users so by alleviating this pain point and making it easier to compare, you'll increase conversion rate considerably. This format also opens up the option to explore other conversion and revenue techniques like Anchoring.

Remove Homepage Sliders

Avg ROI: +59%

Sliders might seem fun and interesting, but in reality they can negatively affect conversion and bounce rates. This is because they can dramatically lower page loading time, cause “banner blindness” and push your content below the fold. Beyond these three reasons, they also tend to run poorly on mobile devices. Remove homepage sliders to improve your site performance and bring focus to what is most important for you to display.

Storytelling Over Facts

Avg ROI: +20%

Many marketers make the mistake of simply listing facts and the positive attributes of their products. People react much more favorably to products when introduced to them in story form. Tell the journey of where the product came from and why it's relevant to their lives. Add drama and emotion to the features of the product to humanize the transaction. This should have a large impact on conversion.

Remove Cart Step

Avg ROI: +61%

Average cart abandonment rate is between 60% and 80%. This is the final step to bring someone from prospective customer to paid customer and so it's important to do anything you can to lower this number. One way to decrease cart abandonment is to remove or condense a step.

Quote Testimonials

Avg ROI: +43%

Adding a quote or testimonial from a real customer to your landing page is one of the most surefire ways to increase conversion. Make sure the quote is believable, and from a recognizable company if possible. Typically you'd want to include 3 different quotes, all covering different USPs of the product.

Geo-Targeted Testimonials

Avg ROI: +20%

When displaying testimonials, it’s important to match which ones you show with the country or geography the site visitor is browsing from. It’s more impactful to show testimonials from Spanish companies or individuals to a visitor from Spain than ones from Americans. They’re more likely to recognize the brands you show and will therefore put more trust in you.

Keeping Focus

Avg ROI: +58%

Keeping focus on a specific area will push more users through the funnel, rather than them getting lost or distracted by other links. Avoid too many distractions in the form of links, large and bold text, and secondary CTAs and instead highlight your primary CTA on your page. Removing these distractions will help visitors focus better on what you actually want them to do - follow your primary CTA to sign up, make a purchase, or register for an account.

Calendar Link Page

Avg ROI: +67%

Give leads the opportunity to immediately reserve a calendar slot for a sales call. Use the Thanks for Signing Up page or email post-email capture to do so. This removes the steps of opening an email and clicking through to the calendar, thus taking away an opportunity for them to change their minds about the call.

Success Page Upsell

Avg ROI: +55%

The success page is not only a great space to show some brand personality, it is also an effective space for generating additional revenue. Users who have happily converted once are more willing to do so again. For example, once a user signs up for the free version of your product ask them if they would like to view the additional features of your paid service.

(Note: don't be too overt with the upsell or customers might be turned off by your pushiness.)

Post Purchase Discount

Avg ROI: +10%

After a first purchase, a customer has a 27% chance of returning to your store. Customers who return a second or third time have a 54% chance of returning again. Email a post purchase discount to a first time buyer so they are more likely to move down the funnel from one-time buyer to devoted customer.

Putting Others First

Avg ROI: +18%

Always construct conversations in terms of value added to your users rather than promoting your own self interest. When you can align your value-add to something your customer needs customers are more likely to trust you, repeat business with you, and refer you to friends.

Reposted Content

Avg ROI: +12%

Rewrite the copy for a single piece of reposted social content so it's perceived as a unique piece of content for each post.


- Re-styling: “Did you read our recent post on…?”
- Quote an interesting or controversial line from the post.
- “Our hottest read from last month: ”

Interview Call To Action

Avg ROI: +18%

Offer an exclusive interview with an industry celebrity as a prize for signing up. The industry celebrity will give credibility to your CTA and potential customers will be more likely to convert due to a fear of missing out (FOMO). The scalability of this tactic is limited, but it can be a great technique for generating your first 100 signups.

Test Discount/Offer Values

Avg ROI: +54%

If you're offering a $100 discount, try A/B testing with a $200 discount or a $50 discount.

You'll learn if a larger offer converts more, OR you might even find that a lower offer converts just as well - allowwing you to save costs.

Telling Who It's For

Avg ROI: +41%

Taking a precision approach to targeting your audience can be very rewarding. Sometimes if you’re targeting everyone, you’re targeting no one. With that in mind, one option is to tell your audience exactly who your product is intended for. This can be a risk/reward play: on one hand, you will immediately disqualify a segment of your potential customers, but on the other hand, you might create a more personal connection with customers who do fall into the categories you’ve targeted.

Upfront Progress

Avg ROI: +39%

People are more driven to finish a task as it nears completion. This is known as the Goal Gradient Effect. An example of this working in real-time is a sandwich shop giving away a punch card that offers a free sandwich after your tenth purchase, but with the first two holes punched. People consistently prefer completing eight tasks with two done for them over eight tasks with none done for them. Giving your customers the feeling of making progress will have a positive effect on their experience.

Lead Magnets

Avg ROI: +62%

Provide premium content in exchange for an email address as a great way to fill your funnel with new qualified leads. Hide an enticing piece of content behind a simple requirement for an email address to encourage visitors to give you their contact information. Later you’ll be able to reach out to them in a sales email, pointing back to the piece of content you gave away as a starting point for the conversation.

Fewer Form Fields

Avg ROI: +66%

When creating sign-up forms, having too many fields can actually decrease sign-up rate. Optimize your forms to only ask for information necessary to the registration process. This decreases the amount of effort and attention a user has to invest into signing up and will result in increased sign-ups and form submissions. Remember that you can also ask for the information in the fields you remove during onboarding or at a later stage in your relationship with that user/client.

Anchoring Price

Avg ROI: +39%

Instead of simply providing a price up front, use an anchoring price to make potential customers think that they’re getting a better deal on an item. For example, having a slashed suggested retail price alongside a lower “Current” price can drive visitors to buy while they think that an item is going for a lower than normal price. This can often lead people to pay for a higher priced product.